Friday, January 23, 2009

Enjoying Winter

So after a week of really not liking winter and not getting to those "projects" I told myself I would have plenty of time to do. I have decided to make winter a little more enjoyable, thanks to my fellow bloggers that live in our non-inversion valley and take their kids out to do fun things. Skiing is probably not going to happen this year but some sledding and snowshoeing could be a lot of fun! Drew and I have been going out lately and he has been riding his bike since the rain melted most of the snow off the sidewalks, it is something to do!

We did go to Boise over the long weekend which was a lot of fun. My very nice brother-in-law is a dentist and cleans our teeth and fixes our cavities for us for the small price of dinner. Drew had so much fun playing with the girls. Unfortunantly I forgot my camera. He spent most of his time doing girl things which included dressing up in princess outfits and dance costumes and dancing around for everyone. It was halirious, he is a cute boy but one ugly girl!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

pretty soon it will be you with a cute little one for us to play with !