She loves to be outside playing with the big kids
She loves to ride her little bike and on my bike seat
She is saying so many new words and most of the time we can understand her
She is still allergic to milk, eggs, and peanuts and only weighs 19 lbs
She loves fruit snacks (otherwise known as nacks)she will do about anything for them
She has learned to get out of her crib but doesn't do it all the time
She can get out of any shopping cart strap not matter how tight
She likes to take naps, most of the time
She likes to watch Barney
She loves her brother and does EVERYTHING he does
Dean calls her a wild raccoon because he assumes if you tried to hold raccoon it would be like holding Avery especially while trying to eat
She likes to play with her baby, she puts it in the bath, has it go potty, bushes her teeth, dresses and feeds her, and takes it on walks in the doll's stroller
She loves animals and likes to try to pick up kittys
She loves her daddy if he is around she doesn't really need anyone else
She loves to see babies, some not much smaller then her but she waves at them and wants to pick them up.
We love you Avery Jane and can't imagine life without you!
What a doll! Happy Birthday Avery!!! :)
She is so cute!!! Tell her Happy Birthday from us - And I can't believe she is TWO! That means my Avery will be two soon! How does that happen? We miss you guys! It has been awhile. We should try and get a summer get together planned with you guys and Lifferths. It has been way too long! What is your guys' schedule like?
Being around Avery makes us want a little girl so bad! In the meantime though, send her over any time.
She is the cutest littlest squirt! Absolutely adorable!
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