Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley

I was sad to hear that President Hinckley had passed away, at first it didn't seem real even though he was 97 it seemed like he would live forever. It's sad but also happy because you know he is with his wife now. I watched an hour special last night about his life and the things he has done since he was called he was truly remarkable. It goes to show that the Lord knows what he is doing because President Hinckley was definantly a prophet for this day he traveled the world, built temples, and always spoke so openely about the church to people outside of it. They said last night that he has dedicated 72 temples, that is amazing. I will miss hearing him speak in conference, even though he was speaking to millions of members I felt like it was just for me. He also had a great sense of humor!


The Webber's said...

I am so sad about President Hinckley too! I am glad that you are back to blogging. I have been checking your page for awhile. I love your new design. My friend has the same one and I think it is so cute. I should probably do some updating, but I barely have time to get anything posted! What home projects are you working on? We are trying to sell our house and it is stressful!

Melanie and Spencer said...
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